family fall fun- apple sampler taste test

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fall family fun- apple sampling (free printable chart included)A couple of weeks ago, Burke did an ‘apple sampling’ at preschool. His class taste tested three kinds of apples and shared their observations. Ever since then, both of the kids have been asking to do an apple sampler at home. And, once I finally got my act together and bought several varieties of apples, we had such a fun afternoon taste testing!

apple taste testing- fun fall activity to do with kids (and so simple to put together)We sampled Honeycrisp, Gala, Golden Delicious and Granny Smith apples. I also portioned out Nutella, peanut butter and Pumpkin Dip to spice things up and make it a little different from the apple sampler Burke did at school. Piper Jane and I consumed way too much Nutella and pumpkin dip for a Tuesday afternoon (Burke was methodically working his way through all of the pairings and wasn’t distracted by the more-sugar-than-usual). If you have kids that are sucked in by treats (like me and Pi!), you might serve smaller portions of the sweet stuff.

fall kids' activity- apple sampling (with free printable chart)The primary teacher in me couldn’t help but make an observation chart to accompany our apple tasting activity and that little chart was definitely Burke’s favorite part.

apple taste test free printable chartHe charted his reactions, marked his favorite combo with a thumbs up, and even tried some labeling. The chart was super easy to put together (feel free to use our apple sampler observation chart if you want to save a few minutes).

fall family fun- apple taste testing (with free printable chart)I am already trying to think of different variations on this theme. Maybe a tomato sampler in the summer using the different varieties from the garden? Or a squash sampler? Or a citrus fruit taste test? The addition of the dips was one of our favorite parts, so I’d love to incorporate that again. If you think of other variations, send ’em my way!

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  1. Kirst – I love Burke’s thumbs up drawings! He’s such a cutie. You could easily do this with oven fries. Russets, Yukon Gold, sweet potatoes, purple potatoes. Fries obviously lend themselves very well to dipping. 🙂

  2. What a super fun idea! My girlies and I will have to try it this week. (Hitting the grocery store tomorrow.) Thanks.

    1. Aww, I think Burke and Jace would get along so well! He loves that stuff so much that homeschool is always in the back of my mind as an option (he’d LOVE it). Let me know how it goes for y’all!

    1. Hillary, it’s a sweet dip made with canned pumpkin. It’s so yummy for apple dipping (or with ginger snaps or vanilla wafers!)! I’ll try to post the recipe on here soon.

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