jersey pom pom how-to

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Did you know that your pom pom maker is a versatile tool?  Not only can you use it to make little puffs-of-yarn, but it is a welcome receptacle for long strips of jersey as well (read: old t-shirts!). 

To use your pom pom maker to turn a pile of old t-shirts into a pile of fluffy, cotton orbs-of-goodness, you’ll need:
-An old t-shirt or two… the trick here is to find a long, thin, continues strip of jersey, so the bigger tshirt the better.
-A pom pom maker (mine are by clover… I got them at Hobby Lobby, but I have seen them at Michael’s and JoAnn’s as well).
-Little sharp scissors.

1.  Cut your tshirt into the aforementioned long, thin strips.  I found that cutting a loop from the bottom of the ‘body’ of the tshirt (about the width of a dime) and then snipping the loop open to make a long, thin strip was sufficient for one pom pom. 

2. Stretch your strips of jersey so the edges curl.

3.  Wind around the pom pom maker, entirely covering one side and then (without cutting the strip of jersey) entirely covering the other side.

4. Using your small, sharp scissors, cut along the canal (check the yarn pom pom tutorial if this is at all confusing to you).  Tie the middle off with a coordinating piece of thick embroidery thread or yarn (the jersey is just too bulky).

5.  Done!  Put your upcycled pom pom to good use… And if you’ve made a pile of these gems and need a way to use them, check back tomorrow!

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  1. So cute! I love these. I have been making them without the pom-pom maker now I think I need to pick one of those puppies up.

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