halloween costumes 2012- the squid and the ocean

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Burke decided on this year’s Halloween costumes over a month ago and has been absolutely unwavering in his decision since then. He requested a Squid costume for himself and an accompanying Ocean costume for Piper Jane. We threw out several alternate “Squid pairings” (a fish, a shark, even Ink) to no avail.

Luckily, my blue tutu/blue headband/blue shirt/blue leggings has been given Burke’s ‘Ocean’ stamp of approval (and Piper’s ‘pretty’ stamp of approval as well- I think she’d wear anything fluffy and princess-like).

The squid costume was actually far trickier to figure out… but it’s done now and I am glad. Burke loves it (he’s been wearing it for days- a good sign for this mama).

While I must admit that I doubted the wisdom of the Squid-and-Ocean idea, I have seen the light. I love the way it turned out; Burke’s a Halloween genius (the man-with-the-yellow-hat-and-Curious-George plan last year was also his idea!).

Also, I can’t wait for you to see the Keadryn-dreamed-up costumes that Jord’s family are wearing this year. Hilarious.

What are your kiddos going to be this year?


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  1. Cute costumes! I totally thought my son was going to want to be a squid this year, as he has been pretty much obsessed with the giant squid lately. So, I spent some time figuring out how to make a squid costume…only to have him tell me he wanted to be Mad Eye Moody instead! Oh well. 🙂

    1. That’s so funny that you thought you might be making a squid costume as well, Jenny! Hopefully Mad Eye Moody was easy to put together. 🙂

    1. Haha- love that. And good luck with figuring out the trunk. These crazy kids and their costume ideas. 🙂

  2. These costumes are awesome! Good for you for making them! That makes them so wonderful! My 18 month old daughter will be going as Little Red Riding hood this year. I found a vintage paper pattern kit off Etsy! Happy Early Halloween!

    1. Katie, how fun! I love that you found a pattern (perhaps there is an octopus/squid one out there as well- I should’ve looked!). 🙂 Happy early Halloween to you too!

  3. Kirstin, these are ADORABLE! And Burke is so creative – I’m super impressed that it was his idea. My kids are going as a pirate and a princess this year, but I’m lazy – I bought the costumes!

    1. Nicole, I should’ve linked to a couple Halloween’s ago when Burke went as a monkey from Old Navy- I am all for the store bought costumes! And I love the hilarious pairings he comes up with too… some year I might tell him that they don’t have to coordinate in costume (MAYBE). 🙂
      Can’t wait to see your cuties as pirates/princesses!

  4. Adorable! And honestly, how did you even keep a straight face when that cutie requested a squid & ocean?

    When my little one was 4 months old, we dressed her as a banana. She & her 2 year old (monkey) cousin got quite a few laughs on Halloween. My sister and I thought we were hilarious.

    This year she’s going as (groan) Elmo. I can already feel people judging me but (1) she is obsessed with Elmo and (2) I’ve been given TWO free costumes to borrow…not much choice there!

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