ready to POP shower

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Since we met, my friend Allison and I have been wanting to throw a party together. Our friend circles don’t overlap very much, but we are both good friends with Brittany, a dear friend (who is also an amazing photographer!) and pregnant with their first little one. We knew as soon as she told us she was expecting that we would be throwing her a shower together.

Our shower theme- “She’s Ready to Pop!” 
Menu: POP rocks, lolliPOPs,  jalepeno POPpers, homemade POP tarts, soda POP candies, rice crispie treats (you know- snap, crackle and POP), ring POPS, tootsie POPS…
…cake POPs
….and my personal favorite, a POPcorn bar. 
decor: strands of balloons (cause they pop), loads of tissue ball pom poms (hung in clusters to resemble fireworks popping in the sky), “pop” labels (they were everywhere!) and a sign celebrating our little guest of honor- Cooper Ames

favors:  bubbles in our shower colors. (yes, because bubbles POP!)
shower “game”: In lieu of a guest book, we printed cards with different things to “hope” for little Cooper (I hope you become, I hope you feel, I hope you never, I hope you always, etc.) and had guests fill out their hopes for the little man and sign their names. We displayed these wishes on ribbons in the entryway.
What a fun day celebrating this new life- can’t wait to meet him!

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  1. DO you guys host baby showers for a living? This is seriously the cutest thing ever!!! You had me hooked with Cat & the Hat – and now this?!! Amazing!

  2. Wow! What a party! I love everything about the food and decorations — lucky, lucky girl to have friends like you!

  3. oooh i love it!!! you girls know how to have a party. the popcorn bar is my favorite part! did you make all of those flavors? share the recipes, please!

  4. I'm fairly positive this is the cutest shower I have EVER seen. I love the colors and the attention to detail and all the fun food! I want to replicate it in every single way. But no one around here is ready to pop!!!

  5. Absolutely darling! I might have to steal some of these ideas for a baby shower in late spring. A POP theme is just genius! Thank you for sharing this beautiful event.

  6. I love love love this! Is that popcorn from Popcorn Girl Vegas? I saw her recently and can't wait to try her stuff at my next party!

  7. I absolutely loooove this idea!! So modern n perfect for my sisters second baby shower!! Could you send me the link to where u found the invites n the labels bc it def makes the shower complete!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ my email Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Can you send me the website/information in where you got all the printable at? Would love to use this idea for my sis-in-laws shower this may! Thanks!!

      1. I don’t see where this is available on your etsy shop, but I would love to buy the download! Please advise!

        1. Hey Jen! I have the hardest time keeping these in the shop (someone just bought one right before your comment posted, so the shop was empty). Anyhow, I listed TWO of them, so you should be able to find them now!

    1. Hey Tasha! Thanks!
      Jordan made all of the graphics- we get so many requests for them that the PDFs are in our etsy shop- I have a hard time keeping them stocked, so if you head over and they’re out, know that they’ll be up again soon! ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Are you going to be selling the invitation PDF anymore? If so, where would be the best place to print them off? Thanks!

    1. Hey Stephanie, I listed another couple of sets in the etsy shop ( If it isn’t available when you go to buy it, just email me or leave and comment and I’ll get another one listed for you! ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. Also, most people print them from their home computer- but I’ve heard good things from people who’ve used Kinko’s as well. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Hey Kristin! I would also love to buy the invitation download-are they still available in your etsy shop? Thanks!


    1. Hey Courtney, I sent the info to your email- the printables are available in our etsy shop-

  11. Do you still have any of this theme left? Im having my friends baby shower in August and Im needing to order some

    1. Hey Courtney- I am out of the country with sporatic internet access. I have access for the next 12 hours, but then am unsure about the status for the next 4 days. If we have access, I will relist some of the pop showers and email you. If not, I think we’ll have internet access on the 21st for a few days.

  12. Beautiful decorations! Where did you get the color popcorn? I’m planning a baby shower with the theme Ready to pop and I think the color popcorn is a great idea. Let me know please.

    1. Hey Rossi, thank you! I think they got the popcorn at a specialty shop in Dallas, but I have seen recipes on pinterest for making your own as well!

  13. I would love to get the recipes for the popcorn bar as well!! Everything is so cute. I have my printables and have sent out the invitation. Just putting together the menu…can you email me at ? Thanks!

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