survey says…

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Y’all are funny (well, those of you who filled out the survey are funny!).  Thanks for doing that for us- we really do appreciate it.

9 funny things we learned from the survey:
1. The funniest thing about the survey was how all over the place the results were.  Some of you come by just for wedding and stationary stuff, some of you are mostly interested in sewing, some of you love the baby stuff, some of you could skip it altogether, some of you asked for more recipes please!, while some of you have other places you go for that. We love it that you have such varied interests because, well, all of the things we listed are things that we are interested in.  So that means we have something in common with all of you- just the things we have in common aren’t the same, if that makes sense.

2. Y’all love tutorials!  That’s great- we’ll keep those coming!

3. We were surprised to hear that you would also like to see pictures of stuff we’re making in our everyday life (not just tutorials for how to make things).  We do end up making all sorts of things that we don’t put on the blog (mostly paper or invite related stuff), and are thrilled to share some of that with you.

4. You also want to see our inspiration… we’re happy to oblige!

burke showing off one of our only boy related crafts…

5. A few of you mentioned that you’d like to see more boy-related things to make.  Oh how I feel your pain (jordi has girls, but I just have a son…).  If you are a mom of boys, know that I am redoubling my efforts to find things to make for families like ours!

6. You are tradition people!  We are too!  That’s fun!

7. More than any other category, you love to sew.  In fact, most of you put yourselves in at least the intermediate sewer category (and several of you are advanced sewers).  I should tell you right here, right now, that you are probably a better seamstress than me.  I didn’t take home ec, I sew with the machine’s manual sitting on my lap, and I don’t know any of the technical sewing terminology.  You know that already, though, because you DO know the technical terminology.  So I’m sorry about that.  If I’m ever really botching something, sewing-wise, please let me know, ok???

8. Sometimes, ok, most of the time, I feel like we should stop jabbering and get to the crafty point (I’m sure you’ve noticed that that’s not our style).  However, y’all seem to love the normal life stuff.  That makes me love you even more.  Since one of the most often requested items was “getting to know you info,” we’ll be doing little biographies of each other sometime soon.  By the way, I love knowing about the people behind the blogs I read, so I totally understand your requests!

9. You love the linky love!  This really is so helpful to know, y’all.  We started linking so that we’d have a list of the places where we saw the things we’d like to make… but it’s hard to know whether that information is just mostly helpful to us, or whether y’all use it too.  According to the survey, y’all use it, too!  Which means, we’ll keep our online to-do lists coming.

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  1. Ooooh…do you read Made By Rae? She (and Dana, from Made) are having a Celebrate the Boy month. For the ENTIRE month of February, both blogs will be featuring BOY STUFF. Giveaways, tutorials, guest bloggers…awesome sauce. You should check it out!

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